On my last year of Multimedia Engineering Degree we are evaluated with an PBL (Project Based Learning), so a group of 4 friends and me developed Kwee. Kwee it's a web platform for finding your ideal job in the IT world. Let's say you're a brand or a company hiring new people, so you sign up as business user in our platform and you publish a new offer. The candidates would like to join this offer, so they should sing up as a candidate and apply to your offer. If you're a student we also bring to you the possibility for being a practise employee in any company that offers it.
Our most distinguishing feature it's Kwee Index. This index it's available for every user (business and candidate) and it's built with the opinions you received, your skills, your educations and your behavior in our platform. This score it's useful to see if the user suits the requirements that you are looking for, as well as to show how reliable the user is in our platform.
We are serving this web app from an Apache server, using Mysql as database. The frontend it has been built with Angular framework and the backend consists of an API running in Node using an ORM like Sequelize to send to the Mysql db the information. We use Sockets for the realtime chat in the platform and for statistics we used Grafana alongside ElasticSearch. The use of Elastic stack it's for improving search speed and for getting more significant statistics. Finally, the landing is using WebGL integrated with our platform information, for the 3D world movements showing the last 25 offers in the world. We have spent 9 months developing this great project.
We had fun, we also had hard times with problems but finally we were able to solve them and had a great presentation in our University.